abatement & demolition projects
Aboveground Storage Tank, Piping and Building Insulation Asbestos Abatement, Greenville, SC
This project involved removal of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) from above ground storage tank insulation from three tanks, associated pipe and pipe fitting insulation and a pump house exterior foam/mastic insulation. Due to the remote location of the project site, CCI provided our own electrical power and water for the project. The project also included a substantial amount of vegetation removal to access each work area. Once the work access route was cleared, CCI utilized a small four-wheel drive vehicle to transport equipment & materials to the work area(s) and the subsequent waste back out. This vegetation material was run through a wood chipper at the site and the subsequent green waste (wood chips) were disbursed around the project site and left as mulch. This reduced project costs by eliminating trucking and landfill fees. The following approximate quantities of materials were removed as part of this project:
- Project Duration: 6 days
- Industrial Hygienist: CB&I
- Project labor: 1 Supervisor and 6-8 Laborers
- Client: CB&I
- Contract Amount: $ 31,350
- Tank Insulation: 4,300 SF
- Pipe and Pipe Fitting Insulations: 695 LF
- Exterior Foam/Mastic Insulations: 892 SF

Storage Tank & Pipe Insulation Abatement

Foam Insulation Removal from Storage Building. Work was
performed on staged hillside.
Hampton Forest Apartments acm abatement and demolition, Greenville, SC
This project was a two-story building which was comprised of 40 apartment units, corridors and other common areas. This building had detectable levels of asbestos in the acoustical spray applied ceiling, drywall joint compound on ceilings and walls and multi-layer flooring materials located in the kitchens, restrooms and common laundry rooms. This facility was severely damaged by a fire that broke out in the end of the building which affected units 101 through 106 on the 1st floor and 201 through 206 on the second floor. These units were damaged beyond repair and as such were demolished leaving the concrete slab. All demolished materials were direct loaded into lined waste containers and disposed of as asbestos containing/contaminated. The adjoining demolished units (107, 108, 207 & 208) had all of the drywall (walls & ceilings) and multi-layer flooring removed leaving the framing. This allowed for further investigation by the project engineer to determine structural soundness. In these units a combination of ceiling, lower 4 feet of walls and multi-layer flooring were abated utilizing full negative pressure containments and wet methods. The waste generated as part of this process was bagged and properly disposed of. CCI worked with the City of Greenville to obtain proper permits and subcontracted with Britt, Peters and Associates, Inc. to prepare the site erosion control plan which we installed and maintained for the duration of the project. S&ME of Greenville, SC provided air monitoring for the project. There were approximately 18 employees on site for a period of 60 days. Project Value: $ 198,030
lake front airport select demolition, new orleans, la
CCI was contracted to perform selective interior demolition and historical salvage on designated furnishings throughout this two story historical building. The project included the removal and disposal of interior drywall walls and associated studs back to the original finishes, drywall ceilings and associated support systems, interior floor finishes and associated adhesives, other interior finishes such as wainscot, cove base, crown moldings and door & doorjambs (where not slated for salvage) and Mechanical Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) back to the nearest point of connection. CCI performed removal for salvage interior furnishings such as toilets/urinals sanitized, toilet stalls/doors, 125 each door/ doorjamb and overhead transoms. The project was completed within 6 weeks.
aCM Abatement and demolition of jet fuel refueling terminal, jacksonville naval air station, fl
Project Value: $2M
CCI performed the abatement of ACMs from pipe and tank insulation for two 50K gal Jet-A fuel USTs and aboveground fuel piping. This work was performed prior to CCI’s cleaning and removal of the two jet fuel USTs, associated piping and excavation of petroleum-contaminated soils.
propane facility acm abatement, decontamination and demolition, chesapeake, va
The 38-acre former Smith Douglas bulk fertilizer facility located on the Elizabeth River in Chesapeake, Virginia shipped and received various agricultural and commercial fertilizers by barge, rail, and truck traffic. The project goal was to restore the property for future development by the Peak Shaving LNG/Propane distribution facility. CCI’s scope of work consisted of utility abandonment, asbestos abatement, building demolition, barge dock demolition, rail service demolition, waste sampling and packaging, mass excavation, soil segregation and load-out, erosion control feature installation including sediment basins and diversion dikes, UST removal and closure, and backfilling/ compaction/finish grading operations including site restoration.
u.s. customs house select demolition, new orleans, la
This renovation was due to extensive damage caused by Hurricane Katrina. CCI was contracted by Woodward Design Build, for the interior demolition at the US Customs House, New Orleans, LA. The interior demolition included demolition and removal of ductwork, air handlers and plumbing. It also included removal of interior partition walls, ceilings, floor coverings, doors and frames, portions of rotten wood flooring, wall tile, existing former light shafts, ceiling removal on certain floors, demo and removal of HVAC concrete housekeeping pads. Demolition of multiple brick walls was also accomplished. Due to the historical nature and value of the US Customs House, much of the demolition had to be done by hand. Trash Chutes were constructed on the outside of the building and ramps were built on the inside for debris to be dropped from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors. In order to preserve the pavers /sidewalks, CCI utilized plywood as a covering for protection of the pavers / sidewalks.
Arly Manufacturing Building acm abatement and demolition, Matthews, NC
10701 Monroe Rd, Matthews, NC
Project Value: $640,000
Scope Summary: Completed ACM abatement on 60,090 sq ft of asbestos containing floor tile and drywall. Complete demolition of 250,000 sq ft manufacturing building.
charlotte real estate association, ACM abatement and demolition, charlotte, nc
1229 Greenwood Cliff Rd, Charlotte, NC
Project Value: $150,000
Owner: Charlotte Real Estate Association
Scope Summary: The removal of positive identified ACMs (roof flashing, floor tile, carpet and black mastic), The demolition of structure, leaving 1st floor slab and retaining wall.
Grand Pallas Hotel Asbestos Abatement, demolition and Implosion
Contract Value $5,000,000
CCI completed the asbestos abatement and demolition of the 17 story 680,000 sq ft Pallas Hotel located in New Orleans, LA. The project consisted of: removing interior walls, floor tile, pipe insulation, water proofing, roofing and caulking around the windows that tested positive for ACMs.
After the building was abated, CCI then prepared the building for implosion by completing the necessary interior and exterior demolition. It took 400 lbs of explosives and 8 seconds to bring down the building that stood 35 feet from Interstate 10. All adjacent structures were left in place with no resulting damage.
PATTERSON HALL DORM RENOVATION multi-material abatement and demolition, sc
CCI completed the ACM abatement, building dismantlement and demolition of the 11 story concrete and steel building. This was a closely coordinated project between the asbestos and universal waste abatement, the dismantling of the top floors and the demolition down to the remaining structural frame while the renovation trades worked on adjacent floors. Project consisted of numerous hours of dismantling and rigging operations of the top floors and penthouses. Saw cutting and removal of select load bearing columns and slabs. All asbestos, lead and universal wastes were removed while still maintaining a strict recycling requirement.
With a scope of work as follows for the 115,000 sf structure:
- Asbestos abatement of floor tile and mastic, ceiling texture, mastic adhesives and pipe insulation all throughout the structure.
- Complete dismantling and removal of the 11th floor and penthouse structures.
- Interior demolition of all finishes, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection equipment.
- Removal of all exterior walls, elevators, stair wells and shafts.
- Removal of exterior site paving, courtyard structures and planters.
Parktowne Terrace Apartments acm abatement and select demolition, Charlotte, NC
Parktowne Terrace Apartments Located at 5800 Fairview Road in Charlotte, NC
- Project start: March 12, 2012
- Project Completion: November 5, 2012
- Industrial Hygienist: ECS Carolinas
- General Contractor: Shiel Sexton
- Project Labor: 1 Supervisor and 16 Laborers (adjusted accordingly by phase)
- Contract Amount: $430,586
The following asbestos containing materials were removed as part of this project:
- Floor Tile and Assciated Mastics
- Roof Mastics
- Transite Panels (contained within window frames)
The following interior select demoliton materials were removed as part of this project:
1. Drywall Walls and Ceilings
2. Carpet and Ceramic Tile Flooring
3. Doors and Door Frames
4. Handrails and Store Fronts
5. Restroom Components (i.e. toilets, sinks/vanities, tubs, shower, enclosures etc.)
6. Wallpaper
7. Shaft Wall Enclosures
The following exterior select demolition was performed:
- Front Entry Canopy
- Sidewalks and Small Retaining Walls
- Some Exterior Brick Veneer and Minimal Masonry Saw Cutting
Western carolina university Harrill Residence Hall renovation, acm abatement and select demolition, cullowhee, nc
Client: New Atlantic Contracting
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC
CCI successfully removed ACMs in floor tiles, mastic, ceiling surfacing, pipe insulation, pipe elbows and tank insulation in the Harrill Hall Residence. Demolition was completed on walls, ceilings, light fixtures, doors, carpet, ceramic tile, radiators, louvers, windows throughout the residence. In addition to the interior demolition work, exterior sidewalks and walkways were also removed.
Pulp and Paper Processing Facility acm abatement, Valdosta, GA
CCI’s work at this site included the complete abatement of two five-story recirculation boilers and cascades. An entire building was contained, steel casing was cut, and multiple types of ACMs were removed to allow demolition of the entire structure. Innovative approaches to containment, work scheduling, removal techniques, and waste handling were required to execute this job safely.
Central Chemical Superfund Site acm abatement and facility decontamination and demolition, Hagerstown, MD
CCI was contracted to remove contaminated dust and debris from 17 structures at the Central Chemical Superfund Site in Hagerstown, MD followed by demolition of the buildings. The site was used primarily as a pesticide formulation (DDT) facility. CCI performed an asbestos survey and pre-characterized the wastes prior to commencing site operations. CCI started by removing the asbestos followed by gross removal of the contaminated dust. CCI also configured a super-vac equipped with a High Efficiency Particulate Filter (HEPA) exhaust and a plenum system to equip the technicians with a dust removal system.
Hurricane Ike acm abatement, Orange, TX
CCI was contracted to perform emergency abatement at multiple facilities after Hurricane Ike caused damage to oil facilities across the state, which included mobilization of 150+ employees.
Duke Energy Corporation acm abatement and select demolition, Wachovia Center, Charlotte, NC
Interior demolition of approximately 24,000 SF of floor space. Demolition of all interior walls (approximately 37,800 SF drywall), 23,000 SF ceiling tile, and 10,000 SF carpet. Because of asbestos containing fireproofing above the ceiling, all work was performed within a negative pressure enclosure. Additional removal and disposal of approximately 66,300 SF of fireproofing, 300 SF of Vitrified Floor Tile (VAT) & mastic, 400 SF of drywall w/joint compound, 1,850 SF of Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) wall, 1,700 LF of HVAC duct and Variable Air Ventilation (VAV) boxes, all duct and air handling equipment from the Air Handling Room, ten (10) fire doors and 50 LF of thermal system insulation from pipe.
Meridian Naval Base acm-contaminated soil excavation, Meridian, MS
CCI’s work at this site included the excavation, loading, transportation and disposal of an estimated 2,200 CY of soil contaminated with asbestos debris. This project involved the Abatement and Remediation groups. Additionally, CCI brought in water trucks per regulatory requirements using wet methods for excavation and loading of contaminated soils.
North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) – Former Fuel Station/Restaurant– Building Demolition
- Project Duration: 4 days
- Project labor: 1 Supervisor, 1 Operator, 1 Laborer
- Client: NCDOT
- Contract Amount: $33,176
Project Photographs

Wexford Project, multi-material abatement and demolition, winston-salem, nc
Client: Whiting Turner
Contract Value – $1.2 Million
This project consisted of two side by side buildings totaling over 400,000 sf. The project included complete asbestos abatement, lead abatement and selective demolition of the 6 story concrete structures. Work included strategic planning and coordination with local agencies to facilitate the removal of roof top equipment spanning over city streets. The project was a certified LEED project that required all waste loads to be weighed, sorted and tracked for submission to the general contractor. Approximately 80% of all comingled waste was recycled along with all concrete, and metal. CCI also recovered and salvaged valuable historical items that were turned over to the owner for reuse as part of the new renovation architecture.
CCI completed the ACM abatement, dismantling and demolition of the former RSM textile manufacturing plant after it was damaged from fire. The project consisted of numerous hours of dismantling and rigging operations to separate remaining portions of the plant from the damaged portions which included flying roof top dust collection and drying units from the remaining structures. The asbestos and chemical removal included abatement of structurally sound portions and gross clean up and intact demolition of unstable structures.
With a scope of work as follows:
- Abatement of floor tile and mastic, ceiling insulation, pipe insulation and transite paneling. Chemicals include PCB transformers, cleaning solvents and process liquids.
- Dismantling and demolition of over 275,000 sf.
- Separation of 780 lf of manufacturing plant structure and equipment.
- Segregation and recycling of over 2,500 tons of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

CCI demolished the 5 story 57,000 sf concrete post tensioned structure down to the concrete pilings. CCI successfully dismantled the last 3 bays that were adjacent within 10’ to three historical statues to the North and 15’ to the West of an 1890’s 2 story historic rectory and 20’ to the South along the entire 300’ long front of an 1890’s historic brick wall. All adjacent structures were left in place with no resulting damage. CCI recycled 93% of the entire demolition material generated. The resulting recycling efforts diverted over 9,000 tons from local landfills.

- CCI completed the decommissioning, demolition and industrial cleaning of one of the largest paint producing plants in the South East. This was an accelerated schedule with 40% of the plant still in operation. Project consisted of numerous hours of dismantling and rigging operations in confined areas. All chemicals were drummed, labeled, and packaged for proper shipping. 95% of all materials on-site were recycled and diverted from local landfills. With a scope of work as follows:
- Dismantling and salvage for owner of over 200 holding and mixing tanks.
- Complete demolition of the Cooker Building and Tank Farm Interior dismantling, demolition and salvage for owner of the mixing tank mezzanine and all tanks.
- Asset recovery near $8 million dollars worth of production equipment and tanks.
- Removal of all overhead process lines and non-essential building mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems.
- The work included the cleaning and removal of all hazardous and nonhazardous chemical liquids from over 200 holding and mixing tanks. The blasting of containment pads, trenches, piping and equipment to prepare for demolition.
- Management of Lead-Based Paint, Fluorescent Light Tubes, PCB Transformers and Hazardous Liquids all tasks on schedule, on budget, and with no OSHA incidents.
Butner, NC Exxon Demolition
Pulaski, WV Fire-Damaged Church Demolition
CCI performed asbestos abatement and full demolition for an approximately 30,000 SF church building in Pulaski VA. Building was demolished due to a nearly total structure fire. All ACMs were removed and disposed of in accordance with state and OSHA regulations. Demolition included complete structure removal, including building slab, concrete footers/foundation, and basement walls. Unsuitable soils were removed and disposed of offsite. All materials were properly segregated and disposed of or recycled. Site was graded to drain. Demolition work was completed in 3 weeks, ahead of the 5 week projection and under budget.