Industrial Services
Spring Planned Outage Boiler Cleaning Service

During a shutdown for a major power provider, CCI cleaned every section of three Riley Stoker boilers. CCI used the latest technologies in Hydro-blasting to clean the more difficult sections of these boilers. All wash water from this project was contained using spill berms collected using vac trucks. These vac trucks were then systematically offloaded into Frac tanks that were placed at a different part of the site. CCI also used the vac trucks to vacuum out the grate plenum, generating bank, and economizer inlet of each boiler. The wastewater and debris vacuumed up by CCI was then characterized and disposed of by CCI. Pictured above are the 2 hydro-blasters used for the project.
#6 fuel oil Tank Cleaning and Fuel Line Demo Service
CCI cleaned a vertical 40,000 gallon above ground storage tank and removed the above and below ground fuel lines associated with it. CCI also removed 5,000 gallons of non-hazardous #6 oil and sludge material that was left inside. A vac truck was used by CCI personnel to vacuum out the 40,000 gallon tank. The fuel oil that could not be vacuumed out was pressure washed, squeegeed, and dried in the tank by confined space entry-trained personnel. CCI technicians vacuumed out the fuel lines and flushed the lines with diesel fuel. The lines were then pressure washed to further clean the fuel lines. Lastly, a number 3” pig was pushed through the fuel lines to verify that the lines were clean and clear. The overhead lines were cut and removed, and the underground lines were excavated. Void space created by the excavations for the fuel lines was backfilled with clean earth backfill. The above and below ground fuel lines were cut again into more manageable sizes and placed into open top roll-off boxes for transportation and disposal. All fuel oil waste and wash water associated with this project was containerized in vac trucks for transportation and proper disposal.
butyl Acetate AST cleaning
CCI cleaned out and washed a 70,000 gallon above ground storage tank that was used to store Butyl Acetate. The product remaining in the tank was vacuumed out using a vac truck. The tank walls were then cleaned using a 3D tank cleaning tool. CCI then made a confined space entry to pressure wash the tanks floors and to ensure the tank’s cleanliness. A three-person confined space rescue team provided by CCI was placed on standby on this project. All waste previously in the tank and wash water used to clean the tank was properly characterized, manifested and disposed of.
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Prior to CCI demolition, CCI performed the cleaning and removal of all hazardous and non-hazardous chemical liquids from over 200 holding and mixing tanks, the hydro-blasting of pads, trenches, piping and equipment to prepare for demolition, and the management of lead-based paint, fluorescent light tubes, PCB transformers and hazardous liquids.